Yo, I am sad to announce this but we will take a break for a while and be back this January.
I am currently burnt out from translating, specially now that I need to work on both series alone since the other translator left some time ago…and it honestly just made me tired and I couldn’t focus on translating anymore and so I really need to take this break.
While Yun(the other translator), left due to needing to focus on her IRL job and she doesn’t have any time to translate anymore. And Reki will go to UAE this december as well, so we pretty much can’t work during this time. But don’t fret, during this break, I will try to find a replacement for Yun so that my workload would decrease and also make the release schedule stable.
Everyone, thanks for supporting us during this short time, and hope that you can still continue supporting us. For the patrons I apologize that we couldn’t continue with the release and we will try to make it up after this break (we owe around 30 chapters).
Thanks and I will be waiting in January.
so when are you guys returning?
January is almost over!
Any plans to continue Hollywood Hunter? I mostly enjoyed I’m in Hollywood and am looking forward to reading the new version.
its February already
I know it must be hard with school and the virus going around. So all I want to say thank you for your work with translating. If you feel like you can’t translate everything than don’t. Take a break and do what you want. If you do still want to translate than translate whatever story you want it doesn’t have to be this one. Either way, I wish you the best.