Yo, how are you all? We are back, well kinda.. Insanity just talk to me few days ago and he is still stuck in China and he doesn’t have his pc with him. About Chapter updates, it will be slow since Insanity is just borrowing a laptop to translate, so until Insanity gets back to his home(country) I won’t be able to guarantee the updates.
So anyway this week, we will be focusing on MHAG to catch up with ADG chapters then we will alternate between them afterwards.
Without further Ado: Chapter 59 – To Magna Graecia
P.S: If you see some terms that are not consistent, it is due to me trying to build up my terminology list again cuz I formatted my pc and forgot to do a back up…
Glad to know you guys are back! I pray everything else will proceed as normal in the future.
I just recently started reading AGD, and frankly I’m hooked up. Initially I was planning to read MHAG, but while looking through other series you guys translated, I ended up reading AGD first (I sorta have higher expectations on MHAG, and it’s sorta my habit to leave the best for last).
While reading, I suddenly got worried that I wouldn’t have much more chapters to read, so I checked NU for the last release date, and I honestly thought AGD was already dropped (last chapter came out in November), lul.
So yeah, anyway, glad to know you guys haven’t disappeared forever or anything like that.