0 thoughts on “Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

  1. I have a simple question to you (assuming you’ve read ahead before starting to translate)
    Does the MC meet Eumenes ? And if so, as allies or enemies?

      1. ridiculous it’s written by cn so it’s higly probable that mc will be able to somehow cultivate and live long, get power surpassing Kratos then go around killing heroes and screw the beauties mortal girls then go for godnesses and all the bs

        1. Sorry to burst your bubble, but what you said doesn’t happen at all. There is no cultivation in here, and the mc isn’t a horny guy that lust on all beautiful females, there are no gods bs in this novel as well, besides the usual “for the glory of xxxx god” type to boost their morale. And finally the only thing close to a supernatural that happened here is the mc possessing the body of an ancient Greek guy who fell in battle.

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